, Prettifyweb

Anti-patterns mean reused solutions. They originally appear to be useful but later turn out to do more damage than good. The situation arises because of different reasons such as if the developer doesn’t use the designs in the right context, setting, or time or in other cases, the entire paradigm was just bad from the beginning.

Designing a website or setting up an adequate coding workflow continuously make Website Development Agency in Gurgaon deal with recurring problems. Prettify Web doesn’t necessarily need to solve these design problems from scratch, as solutions on the architectural level can be reused in the same way as code snippets on the starting level. Web Design procedures are generally reusable solutions for certain scenarios. It can come in handy to solve naturally occurring problems, and can majorly help you to optimize your code.

Premature optimization

 Time is the essential factor in code optimization. Code should be optimized at the perfect timing. If we optimize performance before setting up an effective structure, we have to do additional changes to the codes. Developers may have to lower the readability codes, making debugging and maintenance harder and adding unneeded parts to your codes. They should implement only those things which are needed not what they foresee they could need in the future.

Reinventing the wheel

 Another name for this anti-pattern is designing in vacuum. This occurs when we do everything by ourselves. In simple words, when we write everything (code) from the scratch without referring to third-party libraries, this anti-pattern occurs. It is a total waste of time as everything has to be done from the start.

Dependency hell

 It is the exact opposite of reinventing the wheel. This occurs when we depend on too many third-party libraries rather than writing on their own. The situation becomes hard to manage at the time of updating the subsidiary dependency. As these are incompatible with each other. They require the package manager to smartly update these subsidiaries.

Programming by Permutation

 This is also called Programming by Accident. It occurs when we try to find the solution to a problem through continuous experiments. In which, Website Developer Service in Gurgaon make small changes, test, and analyze the changes one by one, and at last implement the one that works. This introduces the new bug to your code and won’t be easily recognizable.

Copy & Paste Programming

 It occurs when we don’t follow the coding principle of “Don’t Repeat Yourself”. The reason this anti-pattern occurs is we insert already existing code snippets to different places. In simple words, when the developer uses his already written codes in different places to save time. Way to notice this anti-pattern is the high repetitiveness of codes.

Hard Coding

 It is an unfortunate coding practice. It occurs when we store configuration input data in the source code. Whereas the data should be obtained from a configuration file, a database, a user input, or other external sources rather than source code. This only works properly in certain environments, with a change in any condition or business rule, we need to modify the source code.

Soft Coding

 It is the exact opposite of Hard coding. In this, we put data that need to be in the source code to the external source rather than the source code. The developer does that because of the fear of changes in business rules, he has to rewrite the code. Because of this anti-pattern program become so abstract and convoluted that it is almost impossible to manage. It results in becoming extremely hard to maintain and debug.

Web design processes are a great means, after using well-tested procedures, to enhance your development process. It can go wrong also with them. They are known as antipatterns. Professional developers of excellent agencies like Prettify Web develop websites avoiding these antipatterns. They are the pattern of failure; a developer can recognize and avoid them. By understanding these anti-patterns, one can avoid these mistakes.


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